Integrated Behavioral Health

Integrated Behavioral Health

Pediatric Partners, with the assistance of Rocky Mountain Health Plans, has started an Integrated Behavioral Health program within our office. We have 3 Behavioral Health providers who are present in the office Monday-Friday. They will be able to provide targeted intervention for common behavioral and developmental challenges such as potty training, tantrums, or bedtime; they can help with management of chronic medical conditions, including adherence to treatment; assist with parental transitions (post-partum depression, returning to work, divorce); and they will serve in a critical manner to help with the interface of school and community mental health programs with the medical home.


Specializing in Support and Community Referrals

• Potty Training

• Academic Challenges

• Developmental Delay

• Anxiety

• Sleep Concerns

• Depression

• Post-Partum Adjustment and Depression 

A little girl is posing for a picture with a dog.


Handouts on Development

Reach out and Read Parental Reading Guide

Reach out and Read Tips for Your Family

ASQ Activities by Age

ASQ Materiales en Español

Handouts for Supporting Children

Anxiety Coping Skills for Teens

Anxiety Coping Skills for Children

Depression Coping Skills for Teens

Big Feelings in Toddlers and Children

Tools for Supporting Emotional Health and Well-Being - With practice, these skills can help children and youth recognize how their feelings are influenced by what they think and what they do. The skills can be useful in dealing with challenges and other everyday stressors now and as they grow into adulthood

Helpful Websites Comprehensive website created by pediatricians to offer information about parenting, development, safety, and overall health.

Ages and Stages: Information regarding developmental stages, free resources for developmental activities and how to get extra developmental support if needed.

Feeding littles: Strategies and supports from a nutritionist and occupational therapist for infants, toddlers, and children regarding nutrition and eating.

Big Little Feelings: Strategies and supports from a licensed marriage and family therapist and mom for toddler and young children regarding tantrums, feelings, discipline, and sleep. Supportive resources and information for those who learn differently (ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, etc.). General information regarding ADHD and support for symptoms.
: Advice and guidance from people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder regarding parenting, schooling, motivation, and more.

Children's Hospital Colorado: Physical and Mental Health: Great description of the intersection of sleep and physical and mental health.

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